Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Breakfast Roll-ups


3 egg whites

1 whole egg

1 Tbsp / 15 ml skim milk(optional)

Sea salt and pepper

1oz. low-fat Mozarella cheese

1 tsp / 5 ml chopped fresh cilantro or other fresh herb

1 seven-inch / 18 cm brown rice wrap

1 tsp / 5 ml best-quality olive oil


ONE: Whisk together egg, milk, salt and pepper.

TWO: Heat skillet over medium-high heat. Coat with cooking spray. Pour in egg mixture, tilting to spread evenly. Cook, piercing any bubbles, for about one minute or until set.

THREE: Spread the omelet with cheese and sprinkle with cilantro or other herbs. Slide the omelet onto the brown-rice wrap. Roll up!

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