Monday, June 6, 2011

Five Supplements You Need Every Day

A multi: It's a nutritional insurance policy. Pick one with the recommended daily intake for most nutrients (you can't fit 100 percent of everything in one pill; you couldn't swallow it). Take half in the morning, half in early evening for 24-hour coverage.

Vitamin D-3: It's the most active form of D; it fights colds, heart disease, arthritis, some cancers and more. Take 1,000 IU; 1,200 after age 60.

DHA omega-3s from algae: This type of omega-3 seems best for your brain; arteries, too. DHA deters memory and vision loss, heart attacks, stroke, impotence, even wrinkles. Not shabby! Aim for at least 600 mg a day (we both take 900).

A calcium/magnesium combo: Bone-friendly calcium can cut your fracture risk by 50 percent. Get 600 mg of calcium from food daily; take another 600 with 400 mg of magnesium daily, to keep calcium from constipating you!

A probiotic: Replenishing your good intestinal bugs eases inflammation, infections and digestion. Aim for 2 billion cells per dose in spore form, which will survive your stomach acids.

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