Monday, July 8, 2013

Kale Chips

  • 3 bunches of kaleshutterstock_137828159
  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • ½ teaspoon high quality sea salt
  • Chili powder to taste (optional)
  • Juice of one lime (optional)
** This recipe is for all, not a raw recipe for only those that have a dehydrator.
Preheat your oven to 325 degrees. Wash and dry your kale (get it as dry as you can!). Tear it off the stem and break it into small pieces. Melt the coconut oil, add in the salt and chili powder (if desired), and coat the kale with the mixture. Put the kale onto a baking sheet (try to spread them out as much as possible, but it’s okay if they touch in spots). Bake the kale for 10 minutes, flip it, then bake it for 10 more, until it’s crispy (but still green!). Drizzle the lime juice on top if you would like to have spicy lime chips.

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