Calcium is needed for strong teeth and bones, proper muscle growth and contraction,
proper blood clotting, proper functioning of heart and nerves, and regulation
of blood pH to allow for proper transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Healthy foods that contain calcium include: sardines, Chinese cabbage, rhubarb,
spinach, salmon (wild, with bones), kale, white beans, bok choy, broccoli, pinto
beans, and red beans
Chloride is needed for regulation of acid-base balance of your blood, proper
digestion of protein and carbohydrates, and proper movement of fluids across
all of your cellular membranes.
Healthy foods that contain chloride include: small amounts of mineral-dense
sea salt, broths made from organic bones, celery, and coconut.
Magnesium is needed for prevention of dental cavities, strong bones, energy
production, regulation of heart rhythm, nerve signaling, and proper contraction
and relaxation of your muscles.
Healthy foods that contain magnesuim include: raw almonds, brown rice, spinach,
Swiss chard, lima beans, avocado, organic peanuts, hazelnuts, okra, and black-eyed
Phosphorus is needed for strong bones and teeth, energy production, proper
kidney function, regulation of blood pH, and proper growth of all of your cells.
Phosphorus is found in almost all foods. As long as you consistently eat a
wide variety of whole, minimally processed foods, you will get enough phosphorus
for your daily needs.
Potassium is needed for proper movement of nutrients, waste products, and fluids
in and out of cells.
Healthy foods that contain potassium include: almost all vegetables, grains,
and nuts.
Sodium is needed for proper muscle contraction and relaxation, movement of
fluids in and out of cells, regulation of acid-base balance, and proper nerve
As long as you eat a variety of whole, minimally processed foods, you will
get all the sodium you need.
Sulphur is needed for: protection against infection, electromagnetic radiation,
and pollution, and to provide structure to all of your cell membranes.
Healthy foods that contain sulphur include: cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage,
organic eggs, wild fish, and free-range birds.
Boron is needed for healthy bones.
Healthy foods that contain boron include: apples, leafy green vegetables, raw
nuts, and whole grains.
Chromium is needed for regulation of blood sugar, prevention of heart disease
and adult-onset diabetes, and proper production of protein, fat, and cholesterol.
Healthy foods that contain chroimium include: corn on the cob, sweet potatoes,
apples, organic eggs, tomatoes, and broccoli.
Cobalt is needed for proper assimilation of iron.
Healthy foods that contain cobalt include: all healthy animal foods (organic
eggs, wild fish, free range meat).
Copper is needed for production of skin color, proper nerve signaling, proper
metabolism of iron, production of energy, formation of bone, and maintenance
of strong connective tissue in your heart and blood vessels.
Healthy foods that contain copper include: organic beef liver, raw cashews,
raw sunflower seeds, raw hazelnuts, raw almonds, organic peanut butter, mushrooms,
lentils, and whole oats.
Germanium is needed for protection against food allergies, and prevention of
Candida overgrowth, viral infections, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer.
Healthy foods that contain germanium include: garlic, mushrooms, ginseng, and
Iodine is needed for healthy pregnancy and breast feeding, prevention of brain
damage, proper thyroid function, and production of sex hormones.
Healthy foods that contain iodine include: sea salt, sea weeds, fish broth,
organic butter, artichokes, asparagus, and most dark green vegetables.
Iron is needed for oxygen transport and storage, energy production, and protection
against free radicals.
Healthy foods that contain iron include: organic beef, organic beef liver,
organic chicken, kidney beans, lentils, organic eggs, wild fish, and dark green
leafy vegetables.
Manganese is needed for protection against free radicals, proper bone development,
wound healing, healthy nerves, a healthy immune system, formation of mother’s
milk, and blood sugar regulation.
Healthy foods that contain manganese include: pineapple, raw pecans, raw almonds,
brown rice, pinto beans, lima beans, navy beans, spinach, sweet potatoes, and
organic butter fat.
Molybdenum is needed for absorption of iron, metabolism of nitrogen, and protection
against free radicals and toxins.
Healthy foods that contain molybdenum include: beans, lentils, peas, whole
grains, and raw nuts.
Selenium is needed for: protection against free radicals, carcinogens, and
infections, and a healthy heart.
Healthy foods that contain selenium include: raw Brazil nuts, wild salmon,
brown rice, organic chicken, organic beef, and organic butter.
Silicon is needed for healthy teeth,bones, cartilage, skin, hair, and nails,
protection against arteriosclerosis, and protection against aluminum.
Healthy foods that contain silicon include: millet, corn, ground flax seeds,
and the stems of green vegetables.
Vanadium is needed for formation of bones and teeth, growth and reproduction,
and regulation of blood cholesterol levels.
Healthy foods that contain vanadium include: whole grains (particularly buckwheat)
and olives.
Zinc is needed for mental and emotional balance, a healthy immune system, strong
teeth and bones, energy production, and protection against free radical damage.
Healthy foods that contain zinc include: organic beef, organic beef liver,
lima beans, organic/wild turkey, split peas, chick peas, raw cashews, raw pecans,
raw almonds, green peas, organic eggs, and ginger root.
Choline (converted to Trimethylglycine)
Choline is needed for structural support for all of your cells, a healthy nervous
system, and prevention of fat and cholesterol build up in your liver.
Healthy foods that contain choline include: organic beef liver, organic eggs,
organic beef, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, wild salmon, and organic peanut butter.
For more guidance on how to ensure optimal nourishment with natural vitamins and minerals, please view: